Last week ended Parents Day Out for David and the summer is fast approaching. We are now scrambling to find some things to do to get us all out of the house. I took the kids to Cookie Cutters this morning for haircuts. Madelyn just got a bang cut this time to get the wispys out of her eyes. She looks better. David looks better too. He always looks so handsome after a hair cut. After a few times down the slide and receiving our balloons we were off to Brownsburg library for Magic Don's Puppet Show. Don is the co-owner of Family Time Entertainment and is working with Daniel for his Professor Atom show. Daniel was able to meet us there. We had a good time at the library. David really enjoyed the show and Madelyn sat still about half way through. She then found it more fun to try and explore the rest of the library. Typical two year old attention span I guess. After the library, the kids and I decided to do a little shopping in K-mart. I bought some flowers to plant and a new shirt for me and then we headed home for lunch and a nap for Madelyn.
This afternoon David and I went out and planted some of our flowers. He liked to use his little watering can. He was lots of help!

This morning while I was getting ready, David came upstairs and said that his leg was hurting. I didn't really think too much about it and he didn't say anymore. Well, while we were walking around in K-mart he said it was hurting again and I noticed he was limping. When we got home I expected to see a bruise or something at the top of his thigh where he pointed to - but nothing. He favored it all day - even when he knew I wasn't watching. After church tonight we came home and gave the kids showers. I see that the back of his thigh is kind of bulged out. I'm hoping he's just strained a muscle and it will heal quickly. If it doesn't get any better by Friday morning, I'll take him to the dr.
Well, my parents are coming to visit tomorrow. I haven't told the kids yet, but I know they are going to be excited. Ought to be a fun couple of days!
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