Madelyn is going to be a good gardener like her Grandma Great and her Me-maw. She looks like a natural planting her field.
Of course, if you're going to be a farmer, you have to learn to drive a tractor.
And the best part for Madelyn, after all the hard work, you get to reap your harvest. She loves her food!
David on the other hand, seems to have a draw to the animals like his Grandpa Great Lusk.
Here he is milking his first 'cow'.
Later on in the day, we got to see them milking a real cow and he learned that milk does indeed come from a cow.
He's not so sure about that.
Later on I asked him where Diet Coke comes from and he said that also comes from a cow. So be on the look out for the Diet Coke cows. You might be able to cash in on those.
Of course, you can't have animals on the farm without giving them a little food.
And just to prove that we were indeed at the Indiana State Fair, here we are with a covered bridge.
did you see the tigers?
we saw them but we didn't get to watch their show. =[
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