Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Much Fun!

After much begging, pleading and gnashing of teeth after the first real snowfall, the kiddos got to go outside and play.  They were only out there for about 30 minutes because of the frigid temperatures, but long enough to play well together and both come inside in tears.  Typical day really.

David decided to use the slide to his advantage and make a snow splash.

Madelyn was the first to try it out.  Not too shabby.  However, after just a few times, the snow just became an extension of the slide and provided for good zing out into the yard.  Good times!

It didn't take long however for this to lose it's appeal, so pushing each other face first into the snow became the new game of choice.  Madelyn was the first at the door with tears flowing and a face full of snow with David close behind with a big grin.  But with very little coaxing from Mommy, Madelyn got her revenge and tackled David to the ground.  Roles were reversed and then it was time to come inside.  Sorry, no pictures of the latter.  I was too busy cheering reprimanding from the sidelines.  :)

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