Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's a's a's

It's not everyday that a Super Hero comes home from school in place of my Madelyn.  But I have the privilege to introduce to you "Super Smart".  She is originally from the 2nd Dimension and has come to replace Madelyn for a couple days.  She has access to any super power she wants and uses them quite liberally.  According to her, her Molly doesn't whine and cry like mine, but her David is just as ornery in the 2nd dimension as he is here.  Oh, and she had to add that her Mom would have had supper ready by now because she is 'super fast'!  I'm thinking I would like to meet this 2nd Dimension Mom and switch places with her for awhile. 

Showing off her near ability to fly
 I just love my little girls imagination.  But it got me to thinking how often I go through my days wishing things were different or 'better'.  I'd feel better if only....
  • my house were clean..
  • my children would just listen... 
  • I could just get into these 'skinny' jeans in the back of my closet...
  • I had new carpet...
  • I could just get that raise/job...
...and it goes on and on.

We can learn a lot from Paul in Philippians 4:10-20.  In verse 11 and 12 he says:  I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

And how did he achieve this contentment?  By giving thanks.  Giving thanks to those who had helped him during his time of need.  And giving all glory to God for his provision and sovereignty.  

Today I practice thanks:
  •  for my children who bring a smile to my face daily and teach me more than they know.
  • for 'family bed' and 2 children who still think it's OK to snuggle with Mom.
  • for a yard to mow.
  • for my Dad making my heart smile the way he says 'purdy'.  
  • for my parents being able to get away for a relaxing family vacation.
  • for my Sis who calls and fills in when Mom's out of town.
  • for silent understanding from a close friend. 
  • for bubbles in the house.
and the 'if only's melt away.

What are you thankful for today?  Give a shout-out to Him for all He has done and practice contentment no matter the circumstance!

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