Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Cake Momo!

Saturday was my Mom's 68th birthday. On Saturday we called Mom to wish her a happy birthday. She has been in Wyoming this last week on vacation and was back in Nebraska somewhere when we rang. Of course the kids wanted to wish her happy birthday. Madelyn gets on the phone and I told her to say 'Happy Birthday Momo!'. She instead said 'Happy Cake Momo!' Apparently, she wants to recognize the best part of a birthday in her greeting. The girl loves her cake! We had a great laugh!
Mom, I love you. You are my best friend and a great listener. I love your advice, even though I don't always take it. You have been such a model of strength and faith I could never ask for better. Thank you for being a great Mom and thank you for being an even better friend. I love you! And Happy Cake Momo!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Yea!! Happy Cake Momo! :)